Please join ForesterGirls in welcoming International Bead Designer Jean Power for a 5 Hour Workshop

Event: Crystal Ribbon Necklace
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024
Time: 9am - 2pm Eastern Time
Location: Via Zoom
Cost: $85 per participant
Note: Supply List provided after registration

Class Description:

Take double-sided, slanted Peyote Stitch (which will be taught in class so you don't need to know it in advance), add some crystals and voila… you have Crystal Ribbons!

These striking components, and unique technique, are perfect for making chains, pendants, earrings, bracelets and more...

This advanced class, and the instructions (which includes 14 online videos you can watch at anytime), will cover all the necessary techniques for multiple projects plus how to design your own.

The level of this class is advanced - you must be very comfortable with Peyote Stitch (specifically circular) and following instructions.

Duration: 1 Month
Price: $85.00